woman sitting

liposuction toronto lipoplasty

You’re concerned about stubborn areas of fat on your body that prevent you from having the ideal shape and body that you want. You live a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise, but this hasn’t done anything to tone those bulges. You can’t spot reduce fat, so even if you lose a bit of weight the stubborn fat doesn’t go away.

Don’t give up hope!

Liposuction is the only way to spot reduce fat predictably with just one treatment. It is safe and effective to remove unwanted excess fat from the face and body. Imagine — you’ll finally be able to control exactly where you want to spot reduce fat to get rid of those bulges you don’t like!

Liposuction plastic surgery can be used to treat many areas at once, so you can transform your body all at once. A consultation with our team in Toronto will help us develop a treatment plan unique to you and your goals. You’ll meet with Dr. Atul Kesarwani on your visit, a board certified plastic surgeon who has been performing liposuction for over 30 years.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure to remove unwanted pesky areas of excess fat. It is also known as suction-assisted lipectomy. While it is not a weight loss procedure, liposuction is safe and effective body contouring that allows you to tackle frustrating pockets of fat with just one treatment.

Even though it will only reduce your weight by a couple of pounds at most, our patients love their post-surgery bodies so much that they often make improvements in their lifestyle and diet to maintain their liposuction results. These improvements can promote more meaningful weight loss in the long term.

liposuction diagram

This is a diverse treatment option that can be used to address a variety of areas of concern. Common treatment areas include:

On the Face
Cheeks (buccal fat pads)
Chin (particularly the bulkiness underneath that contributes to a double chin)

On the Body
Upper arms (bat wings)
Breasts (on the breasts as well as surrounding it in what is known as axillary breasts)
Male breast reduction (gynecomastia)
Waist, Love Handles and Muffin Top
Thighs (inner and outer)
Area of the Calves and Ankles (what is known as “cankles”)

Liposuction reduces the presence of stubborn fat deposits where they are perceived as problematic. It allows plastic surgeons to reshape a patient’s body safely and effectively.

Am I a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

A good candidate for liposuction plastic surgery should be in good health, be committed to living a healthy lifestyle and have good skin elasticity. They should be at their ideal body weight. It is essential to have realistic expectations and goals for what liposuction could do for you.

How Much Weight Can You Lose From Liposuction

Liposuction is not intended to be used as a weight loss procedure. Diet and exercise is a better option. Toronto liposuction treatment is not effective for those concerned about obesity or cellulite, nor is it the right treatment choice for loose skin, as it doesn’t resolve poor skin elasticity. This procedure should be approached as a body contouring procedure to only remove fat. Suitable candidates tend to be at or close to their ideal weight range.

For excess skin, consider another plastic surgery procedure instead, such as a tummy tuck (abdominal liposuction can be performed at the same time as a tummy tuck). A tummy tuck is more appropriate for the tightening of loose skin, since liposuction can only remove unwanted fat.

dr atul kesarwani

The First Step

A personal consultation with Dr. Atul Kesarwani is the first step toward realizing your goals in eliminating the stubborn fat that negatively impacts your body contour. This private medical appointment is with Dr. Kesarwani. He will take the time necessary to answer your questions and explain how this procedure can fulfill your aesthetic goals.

During your consultation, Dr. Kesarwani will review your medical history. He'll also show you before and after liposuction photos from patients he has performed the procedure on previously.

An Important Note About Liposuction Procedure Methods from Dr. Kesarwani

Who is doing the liposuction is more important than the technology.

There has been a lot of hype the last few years about new technologies in liposuction – including SmartLipo (laser assisted liposuction), SlimLipo, BodyTite, Power Assisted Liposuction, Vaser and WaterJet systems.

What is Laser Liposuction?

Laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. This type of liposuction perforates fat cells so they deflate, releasing their contents so that they can be suctioned away.

What is Vaser liposuction?

Vaser stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. This type of liposuction breaks apart fat cells in the deeper tissues so that they can be removed.

I have thoroughly looked into all of the new liposuction machines that have become available and have decided to stay with traditional tumescent liposuction for my patients.

The main reason to consider a new plastic surgery technology is if it is better for the patient. The laser-assisted techniques take much longer to do if done properly. Despite their claims, they have not consistently shown an advantage of tightening of the skin or ensuring a quicker recovery and may be complicated with burns and scarring.

Liposuction patients want a reduction in the fatty layers, be left with a smooth contour and have a predictable recovery. Traditional suction assisted lipoplasty is the safest, surest way to achieve these goals.

I had used ultrasonic liposuction extensively more than a decade ago when it was a new technology, but abandoned it, returning to regular liposuction because of more consistent results and happier patients.

It is the technique and experience of the plastic surgeons operating the liposuction machine that is more important than the type of machine in deciding the final result.

I am now using a procedure called SAFE Liposuction that uses special "basket" tip type of cannulas that evacuate the fat with less damage to the blood vessels and nerves and leads to an even smoother final result.

It is the hand operating the liposuction cannula and the experience behind it that will determine the final aesthetic outcome more than the type of machine used for our plastic surgery patients.

Schedule Your Consultation

Interested in learning more about the possible benefits of liposuction to improve your figure? Contact us today at Cosmedical Rejuvenation Clinic and schedule your consultation.

A consultation with our team in Toronto is critical to helping you understand the procedure and to determine if it is the best choice for you.

During your appointment with Dr. Kesarwani at our surgical office, your goals and the area(s) you’d like to target will be discussed. Bringing a printed list of questions and concerns with you may be a good idea, so you can get all of the information you need and not forget anything.

Dr. Kesarwani will give you an idea of your predicted liposuction results, as well as provide more information about the risks and complications that may occur. This is part of providing you with informed consent.

Your medical history and current condition will be reviewed during this private medical appointment. It’s important that you be honest with any conditions you may have. This helps determine whether liposuction is suitable and safe for you.

Dr. Atul Kesarwani and his qualified team proudly serve the Toronto, Ontario, area. All appointments, from consultation to surgery and followups, take place at our state-of-the-art surgical facility conveniently located at the corner of Yonge and York Mills. The location of our facility is on the second floor. There is plenty of on-site parking with easy access to the subway and GO.

What Could I Expect from Liposuction? What Does Liposuction Do?

Preparing for the surgery

Liposuction requires you to follow some pre-op instructions to adequately prepare your body for the surgical experience. Follow these instructions, provided to you by Dr. Kesarwani, closely for a safer experience and faster recovery period.

Instructions may include things like following a diet rich with nutrients as well as avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol.

In the days leading up to surgery day, you may be asked to avoid taking certain medications and supplements.

On the night before surgery, you may be asked to not eat anything.

Please make sure that any prescriptions are filled before surgery day, so you don’t have to worry about doing that as you recover. Patients should also arrange to have someone take them home from our surgical facility and provide support in the first few days after surgery, since it may be difficult to perform routine activities.

The Surgery: How is Liposuction Done

Liposuction is performed as a cosmetic surgical procedure under general or local anesthesia. Local anesthetic without sedation is administered in cases when only a smaller area is targeted for less fat removal. The entire surgery can take anywhere from 30 minutes for a couple of hours.

Once tiny incisions are made, fat will be loosened and removed. Because Dr. Kesarwani applies gentle removing techniques, you can save this fat to have it transferred to another area of your body for fat grafting and fat transfer, if you’d like. Areas to which you can transfer fatty tissue include the face, breasts (fat transfer breast augmentation) or buttocks (Brazilian butt lift).

Dr. Kesarwani applies advanced tumescent liposuction techniques, using PAL if recommended (PAL stands for power-assisted liposuction.) He also uses SAFELipo, a technology that reduces overall surgical time and dramatically reduces the risk of contour irregularities.

liposuction cannula

SAFELipo is innovative liposuction technology that follows three steps for fat removal: separation, aspiration, and fat equalization. These steps optimize fat removal, maximize the retraction of skin in the treated area, creates a smoother contour as well as minimizes complications.

No Lumps and Bumps

A common complaint following liposuction is lumps, bumps and general unevenness of the contours in the treated area(s). Dr. Kesarwani takes special care to minimize this risk by using an appropriately sized cannula for each patient.

Generally, a thinner cannula is used on a thinner patient. He also performs even suctioning of the fat, carefully measuring your body contours to achieve symmetric liposuction results. By doing these things, you’ll enjoy a smoother, leaner profile that looks totally natural — like you’ve just been dieting and working out! You won’t have any lumps and bumps that will take away from your new look.

Liposuction procedures can be performed in conjunction with other surgical procedures, and our qualified team in Ontario can help you create the best plan for you to achieve your cosmetic goals.

Some Downtime Needed After Liposuction Surgery

You will likely require some downtime following a liposuction procedure. This downtime allows your body to better recover from the experience, so you can see your liposuction results without complications.

You may need to take a couple days off from work, or longer if your job is physically demanding.

Our plastic surgeon and medical team will provide you with all of the post-care instructions you need. There will be restrictions on physical activities, such as avoiding rigorous cardiovascular workouts and strength training.

In the day or two after surgery, you’ll most likely be bloated. This is particularly true in the targeted area due to the solution that was administered during the procedure. Experiencing swelling or fluid retention is common, but it will slowly decrease as your recover progresses to reveal your amazing results with time.

Pain medication can be prescribed to improve comfort.

compression garment

Compression Garment After Liposuction

You may also be asked to wear a liposuction compression garment which can help reduce swelling by limiting fluid accumulation and assist with skin retraction to reveal your leaner body shape. Compression garments are worn in the treated areas for 3-4 weeks continuously. Wearing this help you get a smoother, firmer result. You may remove the garment when showering. It can also be removed to launder it, since the garment may get soiled from drainage. Some patients decide to purchase an extra garment for this reason.

Maintaining your results requires a commitment to continuing your healthy lifestyle.

Liposuction Side Effects and Risks

As part of informed consent, you should review the side effects and risks related to liposuction. Knowing these will give you a better understanding of the procedure.

Common side effects include bruising, swelling, numbness and discomfort. These should all disappear within the days and weeks following surgery.

Risks related to liposuction are considered rare. These include the following:

  • risks related to anesthesia
  • permanent changes in skin sensation
  • damage to internal tissues and organs
  • deep vein thrombosis
  • seroma and hematoma
  • infection
  • wound healing complications

Aesthetic issues that may result from liposuction include irregular contours, loose skin, and cellulite. Additional procedures may be recommended to resolve any issues that may arise.

Liposuction Swelling: What to Expect and How to Manage It

While liposuction is generally safe and effective, one of the most common side effects experienced by patients is post-operative swelling.

What Causes Liposuction Swelling?

The targeted fat cells are removed during the procedure, disrupting the surrounding tissues. This disruption causes inflammation, which leads to swelling. Additionally, the body's natural response to surgery is to retain fluid in the treated areas, contributing to the swollen appearance.

How Long Does Liposuction Swelling Last?

The duration of liposuction swelling varies from person to person, depending on factors such as the extent of the procedure, the individual's healing response, and adherence to post-operative care instructions. In general, swelling peaks within the first 48 to 72 hours after the procedure and then gradually subsides. A significant reduction in swelling is generally experienced within 2 to 4 weeks, but it may take up to 6 months for the final results to be fully apparent.

Managing Liposuction Swelling

To help manage swelling and promote a smooth recovery, patients should follow these tips:

1. Wear compression garments: Compression garments help reduce swelling by applying constant pressure to the treated areas. Wear the garments as directed by Dr. Kesarwani, usually for several weeks after the procedure.

2. Stay hydrated: Increase water intake as it helps flush out toxins and excess fluid, reducing swelling.

3. Avoid sodium: Consuming high-sodium foods can lead to water retention and exacerbate swelling. Stick to a low-sodium diet during recovery.

4. Engage in light activity: Gentle walking and moving around promotes circulation and helps reduce swelling. However, only strenuous exercise once cleared by Dr. Kesarwani.

5. Use cold compresses: Applying cold compresses to the treated areas can help reduce inflammation and swelling. Follow Dr. Kesarwani's instructions.

6. Elevate treated areas, if possible: When resting, keep the treated areas elevated above the level of your heart to minimize fluid accumulation and swelling.

7. Attend follow-up appointments: Regular check-ins with Dr. Kesarwani allows your progress to be monitored and for your concerns to be addressed.

If you have concerns about excessive or prolonged swelling, consult Dr. Kesarwani for personalized advice.


Liposuction Recovery Time: how long does it take to heal from liposuction?

Immediate Post-Operative Period (First 24-48 Hours)

The first day or two after your liposuction procedure is crucial for your recovery. During this time, you can expect:

1. Discomfort and soreness in the treated areas
2. Some swelling and bruising
3. Possible drainage from incision sites
4. The need for rest and limited movement

Dr. Kesarwani will likely prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort. It's essential to have someone stay with you during this initial period to assist with basic needs and monitor your condition.

First Week of Recovery

As you move into the first week post-surgery, you'll start to see improvements:

1. Pain and discomfort should begin to subside
2. Swelling may peak but then start to reduce
3. You may be able to return to light activities or desk work
4. Compression garments will need to be worn continuously

It's crucial to follow Dr. Kesarwani's instructions carefully during this time. This includes caring for your incision sites, taking prescribed medications, and wearing your compression garments as directed.

Weeks 2-3 of Recovery

By the second and third weeks, you should notice significant improvements:

1. Most pain and discomfort should be gone
2. Swelling and bruising will continue to decrease
3. You may be able to return to most normal activities, excluding strenuous exercise
4. You might start to see initial results of your liposuction, though swelling will still obscure the final outcome

Dr. Kesarwani may allow you to reduce the time spent wearing compression garments at this stage, but it's important to continue following their guidance.

Weeks 4-6 of Recovery

At this point in your recovery:

1. Most swelling and bruising should have subsided
2. You may be cleared to resume more strenuous activities and exercise
3. The results of your liposuction will become more apparent
4. You might still have some residual swelling or numbness in treated areas

It's important to note that while you'll be feeling much better, your body is still healing internally. Continue to listen to your body, and don't push yourself too hard too quickly.

Long-Term Recovery (2-6 Months)

While you'll be back to most normal activities within a few weeks, full recovery can take several months:

1. Any residual swelling should continue to decrease
2. Sensation in treated areas should return to normal
3. The final results of your liposuction will become fully visible
4. Scars from incisions will continue to fade

Throughout your recovery, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine can help optimize and maintain your results.

While this timeline provides a general guide, Dr. Kesarwani will give specific instructions based on your case. Always follow their advice for the best and safest recovery.

Liposuction recovery is a process that occurs over several weeks to months. While you'll likely be able to return to most normal activities within a few weeks, it's important to be patient as your body heals and the full results of your procedure become apparent. By following Dr. Kesarwani's instructions and taking good care of yourself, you can ensure the best possible outcome from your liposuction procedure.

What Not to Do After Liposuction

To ensure a successful recovery and long lasting results, adhering to certain post-operative guidelines is crucial. Here's what not to do after liposuction.

Refrain from following post-operative instructions is the first mistake many patients make. Your surgeon provides these instructions based on their expertise and understanding of your health situation. Ignoring these guidelines can lead to complications such as infections, excessive bleeding, and swelling. Always adhere to your surgeon's advice about wound care, compression garments, medication, and hygiene.

Avoid overexertion and ensure you get plenty of rest. After any medical treatment, your body needs time to heal and liposuction is no exception. Engaging in strenuous activities can disrupt the healing process, lead to wound dehiscence (splitting open of the surgical wound), and trigger unnecessary pain and discomfort. It's essential to listen to your body and pace your resumption of regular activities.

Never skip your follow-up appointments. These sessions allow your surgeon to monitor your healing progress, address any complications, and provide personalized advice. Ignoring these appointments can lead to unnoticed complications, which may escalate if left untreated.

Maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle and diet after liposuction can jeopardize your results. Liposuction removes fat cells from specific areas in your body but doesn't prevent new fat cells from forming. Falling back into unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle may lead to weight gain, negating the benefits of the procedure.

Finally, it's crucial to be vigilant for signs of complications. Excessive pain, unusual swelling, fever, or changes in the colour of the surgical area can indicate an underlying problem. If you experience any of these symptoms, please let us know.

While liposuction can significantly enhance your physical appearance, its success largely depends on how well you adhere to post-operative care guidelines.

An Overview of Tumescent Liposuction

Being one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed in North America, liposuction has made some significant leaps in both technology and technique since it was first introduced in the 1970s.

The early form of this procedure, sometimes referred to as “dry liposuction,” required blood transfusions because so much blood was lost during each surgery. It wasn’t until the mid 1980s, and developments made by Dr. Jeffery Klein, that tumescent liposuction became the gold standard.

This liposuction method has many advantages over other techniques, including minimizing blood loss and eliminating the risks of general anesthesia. Since invention, it has shown an excellent safety record. That’s why we prefer it over other methods, including laser assisted liposuction (e.g. Smartlipo), power assisted liposuction (PAL) and ultrasonic assisted liposuction or ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL).


When liposuction was first developed, surgeons used a medical tube, called a cannula, to remove unwanted fat. Nothing was done to prep the area. This older technique, known as dry liposuction, was a fairly serious procedure, requiring both general anesthesia and hospitalization.

Probably the most worrisome aspect was that it required a blood transfusion for every traditional liposuction procedure. This unrefined technique resulted in a lot of blood being removed with the fat. In fact, blood would make up 30-45% of the fluid removed. That much blood loss was not only dangerous and impractical, but after further development it turned out to be horribly inefficient as well.

If the percentage of blood in the tissue removed could be lowered, more fat could be removed in the same amount of time.

The dry technique also resulted in longer recovery times as well as a much higher rate of complications and poor aesthetic results for skin and soft tissue. These issues led a few doctors to experiment throughout the early 1980s in an attempt to create a better method for fat removal.

Experimental surgeons developed a technique we call "wet" liposuction today. This involves adding fluid to the area to assist in the traditional liposuction procedure. This extra fluid helps to both aspirate the fat and maintain an equilibrium of the fluid in the body. Wet liposuction still requires general and IV anesthesia, but the blood loss was reduced to 15-20% of the mass removed from the body.

A significant improvement to be sure, but still somewhat risky.

The largest stride forward in liposuction safety and efficiency came about in the mid 1980s when Dr. Jeffery Klein, a dermatologic surgeon, introduced tumescent liposuction. Dr. Klein’s new tumescent liposuction technique was quickly considered to be the safest and most effective technique to be developed.

The procedure

The word "tumescent" means "swollen" or "becoming swollen," making it an accurate description of the procedure. A fluid is injected into the areas that are to be treated. This fluid is usually made up of saline with doses of lidocaine (a numbing agent) and epinephrine (commonly known as adrenaline). The saline balloons the fatty tissue (hence “tumescent”), the epinephrine causes the blood vessels in the area to constrict, decreasing blood flow and reducing bleeding, and the lidocaine works as a local anesthesia.

Once one to four litres of the solution (depending on the scope of the procedure) has diffused evenly throughout the area being treated the suction can begin. This is done with a microcannula, which is much smaller than the cannulas used in older liposuction techniques, measuring only 1.5 to 3 mm in diameter. The smaller diameter of the microcannula requires a shorter incision and less traumatic procedure.

Unwanted fat is suctioned out of the subcutaneous tissue, along with most of the tumescent fluid.

Some fluid stays in the body for several hours after the surgery is completed, and the local anesthetic provides some relief from discomfort.


This type of liposuction offers a number of advantages over other techniques:

The risks involved with general anesthesia are completely removed.
There is no need for hospitalization and you will most likely be able to go home the same day.
The epinephrine contained in the fluid works wonderfully to prevent bleeding by closing off vessels, which results in:
– No need for blood transfusions.
– The blood lost can make up as little as 1% or less of the removed tissue, meaning more fat is removed in the same amount of time as previous techniques. This is a huge improvement in efficiency over earlier techniques.
The slow rate that the tumescent fluid is absorbed into the subcutaneous fat means that all the blood vessels are slowly closed and replaced with an equal volume of fluid. This maintains a fluid equilibrium inside your body throughout the entire procedure.
Tumescence magnifies defects and problem areas, making them easier to identify, reducing the probability of needing a second surgery.

Developed in the mid 1980s, tumescent liposuction has remained one of the safest and most efficient forms of liposuction ever developed for plastic surgery. Dr. Klein was able to develop a tumescent fluid, sometimes still called “Klein’s solution,” made up of a saline solution with lidocaine for anesthesia and epinephrine to restrict blood flow.

When large volumes of this fluid are injected into the fat below the skin, the area to be treated becomes swollen and firm, making it easy to identify and remove, reducing the possibility of subsequent surgeries. This technique not only delivers a local anesthesia directly to the area, removing the need for general anesthesia in some cases, it also reduces blood flow. This prevents unnecessary blood loss, significantly reducing the risk to you.

The method has remained the standard technique for cosmetic plastic surgeons because of the increased safety and the multitude of advantages it offers.


Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction Toronto Liposuction FAQ

How dangerous is liposuction for excess fat removal?

When performed by board certified plastic surgeons with experience in liposuction, the Toronto liposuction procedure is not dangerous when the amounts of fat removal are limited. It is safe and thousands of procedures are performed every year without issue.

How much does liposuction cost?

The liposuction cost depends on the extent of the area and correction. In Toronto Canada, the average liposuction costs range from $3,500 and upward. Combining liposuction with other surgical procedures may also reduce the total fees and overall price.

How much does it cost to get liposuction on your stomach?

It would be $4500 and up, depending on how large the target area for body liposuction is.

Is liposuction covered by OHIP? How to get liposuction covered by insurance

Generally speaking, liposuction isn’t covered by OHIP by our practice. This is because it is considered an aesthetic procedure. However, there are some cases for which liposuction may be medically recommended. Please speak with your doctor to find out if this would apply to you.

How old do you have to be to get liposuction?

In order to have liposuction performed on you, you’ll need to be mature enough to understand what it can achieve and the risks involved so you can give informed consent. You’ll also need to be generally healthy. If you are a minor, you may need to get consent from a parent or guardian. A discussion of the guidelines regarding a suitable candidate will be provided by our staff.

Does liposuction really work? How does liposuction work?

Yes, Toronto liposuction is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted fat located below the skin, above the internal organs (known as subcutaneous fat). Sometimes, this excess fat is more resistant to diet and exercise, even if you are at your ideal body weight. Visceral fat cannot be removed with liposuction procedures.

How much fat can be removed with liposuction?

This is a question that many patients interested in the liposuction procedure ask. It would be great if we could give you a specific number, but unfortunately we can’t. The amount of fat that can be safely removed during body liposuction depends entirely on the individual patient and the amount of fullness in the target area. We can remove as much as can safely be done. If too much fat is removed from one area, the blood supply to the skin can be affected leading to a loss of skin or contour irregularities. If too much is removed from multiple areas, too much blood will be lost, the heart will have to work harder, the patient will be anemic, lightheaded, and go into shock. On the other hand, if too little fat is removed then there will be insufficient improvement. Florida is the only jurisdiction where there is a “rule” to remove a maximum 5 litres of fat. It is not clear whether this is pure fat or fat aspirate (fat mixed with blood). Many people use this 5 litres “rule” as a maximum amount of fat removal, but it really depends on the size of the patient. Removing 5 litres from someone weighing 100lbs will put them into shock, but removing 5 litres from someone weighing 200 lbs may be very safe during the liposuction procedure. So, the short answer is “it depends.” Only qualified plastic surgeons can determine this when assessing a patient. Results may vary. The ultimate goal of your liposuction surgery session is to achieve a noticeable difference in your physique.

How is the fat actually removed during liposuction?

During liposuction, the tissues in the target area are flooded with a liquid solution made up of saline, lidocaine and epinephrine. This makes the vessels in the area constrict with precision to reduce blood loss. A cannula (a suction tube) is then used to suck out the solution and desired amount of fat. The incision is then dressed. Typically, sutures aren’t necessary to close the incision as they measure just milimetres.

How long does liposuction take?

The entire surgical procedure generally takes anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours, as it depends on the areas targeted as well as how much fat is removed. A discussion of your surgery details will be done beforehand so you'll know what to expect.

What are the most common areas targeted by liposuction?

Areas that are our patients commonly target include the stomach, flanks, as well as the inner and outer thighs. It is common for men to target their chest, for the treatment of male breast reduction or gynecomastia.

What is liposuction recovery like?

In the days after surgery, you’ll experience some temporary swelling or fluid retention along with some bruising. You’ll need to wear a compression garment for about 3-4 weeks to reduce swelling, after which the majority of it disappears. Local anesthetic is used to control discomfort immediately after surgery. Discomfort can becontrolled after that with pain medication.

How are liposuction scars?

This cosmetic surgery procedure doesn’t involve as much scarring as other body shaping procedures. Liposuction generally involves the placement of small incisions that measure just a few millimetres. The small incisions are also placed in less obscure areas where there are natural creases in the skin, making them less prominent. For this reason, most patients find that their scars are barely noticeable.

Does fat come back after lipo?

Liposuction plastic surgery permanently removes fat cells, and these fat cells will never come back. However, the remaining fat cells can expand and shrink with weight gain. For example, if you undergo liposuction of the lower abdomen, subsequent weight gain can increase the circumference of the area as the remaining fatty tissue will expand. However, you’ll always be leaner in the treated area than if you hadn’t had liposuction done. Weight gain isn’t distributed in the same way as before surgery, so you may find that other areas get noticeably bigger. For this reason, it’s a good idea to follow a healthy diet and get regular exercise after your plastic surgery as it will maintain your results for a longer time. The procedure is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle.

How long do the result last?

The results last as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle. You should follow a well balanced diet and exercise regimen. Aging, pregnancy and certain medical conditions may affect results, however patients are generally satisfied with a single procedure. Results may vary.

Can you die from lipo?

It is extremely rare that any complications experienced from Toronto liposuction surgery to remove fat would be fatal. An assessment, including a review of your medical history and current conditions, is crucial to determine whether this is safe for you. Some conditions, such as poor blood circulation, infection and diabetes may increase surgical risks. Make sure to select a liposuction expert, like Dr. Kesarwani, to ensure that your surgery is performed by a reputable board certified plastic surgeon.

Is it easier to lose weight after liposuction?

Some people do find it easier to lose weight after their liposuction procedure because they’re more motivated to maintain and improve on their results. Therefore most liposuction patients end up following a healthy diet and exercise routine more closely. However, liposuction is not for weight loss. Do not consider liposuction for weight loss. It’s important to remember that liposuction is not an effective weight loss tool and can only be done on people who are within the range of their ideal weight. This plastic surgery procedure is only for subcutaneous fat removal to improve aesthetic body contouring.

Can I exercise after a Brazilian butt lift?

With proper recovery, you can return to full physical activity without issue. A healthy exercise regimen and proper diet are recommended for your overall health.

Does lipo hurt for fat removal? Is liposuction painful?

You won’t feel anything during the liposuction procedure. There may be some discomfort following this cosmetic surgery, however, but this can be controlled with prescribed pain medication.

Can liposuction remove cellulite and fat cells?

Cellulite may be unseemly, yet it is not dangerous. It can happen to people of all sizes and occurs in 80-90% of women. Cellulite is a skin condition caused by fat deposits pushing through the connective tissue that lies beneath our skin. Both sexes can get cellulite but it is more common in women because fat, muscle, and connective tissue are distributed differently throughout female bodies. Cellulite makes the skin appear dimpled and lumpy and usually affect the thighs and buttocks, but it can make an appearance in other areas as well. Although it is natural, many women wish to get rid of it completely and often think liposuction is the answer. Please note that liposuction is not an effective treatment for cellulite. It may remove some cellulite if it lies in the area being treated, but it cannot successfully remove all of it and shouldn’t be considered as a solution. Skin tightening surgical procedures, like a thigh lift, may be more effective.

Can Toronto liposuction treat lipedema?

Lipedema is a condition that causes an abnormal amount of fat to accumulate in the body, most often in the legs (such as in the outer thighs). These localized fat deposits are more than usual, and mainly affects women. Diet and exercise are ineffective at treating lipedema, however numerous studies have shown that the condition can be improved with liposuction. A 2019 study found that women with lipedema who were treated with liposuction to remove fat experienced a decrease in the pain, bruising, swelling and frequency of migraines associated with their condition. Our board certified plastic surgeon can discuss this issue with you more during your plastic surgery consultation. You'll also be able to see more before and after photos of our patients.

What procedures can I get with liposuction?

Liposuction is commonly performed at the same time as other body contouring procedures. For example, liposuction is frequently performed with tummy tucks to enhance results, since it can help remove fat from harder to reach places and achieve a smoother, more contoured improvement. Liposuction can also be done as part of a thigh lift or arm lift. For these, excess fat is removed after which skin tightening is performed with excision. Another procedure that utilizes liposuction is male breast reduction, for the treatment of gynecomastia.

Are there any alternative non surgical procedures to liposuction surgery?

If you want to avoid the surgical experience, non surgical procedures like SculpSure may be suitable for you. This treatment melts away unwanted fat with laser energy, while leaving other tissues in the area unharmed. There are no incisions or downtime.

Drinking alcohol after liposuction

One aspect that often raises questions among patients is the consumption of alcohol post-liposuction.

Alcohol, while a common indulgence, can significantly affect your recovery process following liposuction. Here's why.

1. Interference with Medication: Post-operative care often involves prescribed medications to manage pain and prevent infections. Alcohol can interact negatively with these drugs, leading to adverse effects or diminished efficacy of the medication. Studies suggest that alcohol can alter how our bodies metabolize certain medications, causing them to be less effective or even potentially dangerous (NIH, 2020).

2. Dehydration: As a diuretic, alcohol promotes dehydration. After liposuction, adequate hydration is essential for healing and recovery. Dehydration can delay the healing process. It can also increase the risk of complications. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that moderate to heavy drinkers are more likely to ignore important dietary needs, leading to nutrient deficiencies and impaired wound healing.

3. Impaired Healing: Alcohol can impair the body's ability to heal. It affects the immune system, potentially leading to a slower recovery and a higher risk of infection. A study in the journal Alcohol reports that excessive alcohol consumption can delay wound healing, make the risk of infection greater, and lengthen the recovery period.

4. Increased Swelling and Bruising: Alcohol causes blood vessels to expand, increasing the risk of swelling and bruising. Both of these can prolong the recovery period.

5. Weight Gain: Alcohol is dense in calories and can contribute to weight gain. Maintaining a stable weight post-liposuction is crucial to preserve the aesthetic results of the surgery. A report from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine indicates that alcohol consumption could be a significant contributor to obesity, undermining the results of your liposuction.

Considering these potential complications, it's advisable to abstain from alcohol for at least two weeks before and after liposuction, or until your surgeon gives you the green light.

Remember, liposuction is a substantial financial and emotional investment. You want to give your body the best chance to heal and adapt to its new contours. Proper nutrition, adequate rest, and avoiding habits like alcohol consumption can significantly contribute to a smoother recovery and more satisfying results.

While it might be challenging to skip that glass of wine or bottle of beer, remember that this temporary inconvenience can lead to long-lasting, satisfying results.


Why choose dr. Atul KESARWANI

Dr. Atul Kesarwani is a board certified plastic surgeon at Cosmedical Rejuvenation Clinic. He has 30+ years of experience in the field.

You'll speak with Dr. A. Kesarwani directly during your initial consultation. He has a gentle approach and unwavering commitment to achieving the beautiful, natural looking results you want. He takes the time to discuss your goals and assess your situation before providing you with a custom tailored solution. No detail is overlooked. You will appreciate her fastidious and exacting nature — traits that are essential when performing any procedure, particularly those targeting the face!

Dr. A. Kesarwani is dedicated to delivering you beautiful results while maintaining excellent patient safety and achieving superior patient satisfaction.