woman with large breasts

Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer Toronto

You want larger breasts but don't want implants. It is possible!

Fat transfer breast augmentation is your alternative to enhance the size and shape of your breasts using your own unwanted fat. Get liposuction to slim down an area on your body that needs it, like your stomach or thighs, and use the removed fat to enlarge your breasts by up to one cup size. The shape of your breasts will be rounder and firmer, but still look totally natural.

You can even improve asymmetry and get better cleavage!

High Satisfaction Rates

In the study, The Safety, Effectiveness, and Efficiency of Autologous Fat Grafting in Breast Surgery, 598 articles on fat transfer breast augmentation plastic surgery by plastic surgeons were identified. Of these articles, it was found that patients reported high satisfaction rates — like our patients report!

What fat transfer breast augmentation can do for you

  • Increase the size of your breasts by up to one cup size (up to 400cc of fat can be transferred, which is similar to a 200cc implant)
  • Improve shape to make your breasts rounder, smoother and firmer. You can also fill out any undesirable indentations or smooth out contour irregularities.
  • Add volume in the upper and inner portions of your breasts to enhance cleavage.
  • At the same time, permanently remove fat to spot reduce where you want, like your mid-section or thighs.
  • Have smaller scars on your breasts than breast augmentation with implants, since incisions measure only a couple of milimetres.
  • For women who already have implants, this fat transfer procedure can help hide rippling and implant outlines, as well as enhance cleavage.

The best part of breast augmentation with fat transfer, aside from getting a slimmer body, larger breasts and improved self-esteem, is that no implants are needed. It's all natural you!

Head board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Atul Kesarwani, is a pioneer in autologous fat graft breast augmentation. He's been performing the fat transfer breast augmentation procedure since the 1990s, decades before the hundreds of other plastic surgeons across North America starting doing it. In fact, he was part of a published study that documented results obtained through fat transfer to the breasts and was cited in the preliminary white (industry) paper.

Committed to your safety during your fat transfer procedure

Fat transfer breast augmentation, and all breast augmentation procedures for that matter, should never cause breast cancer. It's good to know that Toronto plastic surgeon Dr. Kesarwani began offering this surgical procedure to all women only after studies proved that radiologists could confirm they were able to tell the difference between changes that occur from fat injection versus tumours during breast cancer examinations. Once that was formerly proven from such procedures, Dr. Kesarwani refined the plastic surgery procedure in order to achieve reliably successful results for every one of his patients. Your safety is of the utmost concern, which is why we always wait until the safety and effectiveness of any treatment is well proven before we start performing it.

dr atul kesarwani

The First Step

A personal consultation with Dr. Atul Kesarwani is the first step toward realizing your goals breast enlargement. This private medical appointment is with Dr. Kesarwani. He will take the time necessary to answer your questions and explain how this procedure can fulfill your aesthetic goals.

You and Dr. Kesarwani will talk at length about what you want to achieve. We dedicate this time solely to discuss your goals and assess your area(s) of concern.

For Better Cleavage

Our patients who've had fat transfer breast augmentation enjoy enhanced cleavage. In fact, this technique can achieve better cleavage than breast implants alone for many patients!

The main reason for this is because we can choose exactly where on the breasts we want to target with the fat grafting procedure, unlike breast implants. Implants can only be positioned in the middle of the breasts, right behind the nipples. On the other hand, cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Kesarwani can put fat wherever in the breasts it's needed for a more natural look. That means fat can be placed within the inner contours to reduce the distance between each breast, thereby creating narrower and tighter cleavage. (This is known as parasternal fat grafting.) You'll also be able to improve any contour irregularities on your breasts for a smoother, fuller shape and natural looking results.

If you already have implants and want to reduce the gap between your breasts to enhance your cleavage, you may also consider this as an option to boost your confidence.

Breast Augmentation Without Implants: The Consultation

During your fat transfer breast augmentation consultation with Dr. Kesarwani, your medical history and expectations will be reviewed. In addition to making sure you have enough fat and that you're in good health, all of this information will be used to confirm that breast augmentation with fat transfer is right for you and that you're a suitable candidate. Other options may also be discussed. Note that this procedure can achieve the same or similar results to breast augmentation with implants.

A discussion of the details of surgery and the recovery process will be done so you can have a better idea of what is involved.

Reputable plastic surgeons state that choosing to undergo fat transfer breast augmentation is a decision you should make for yourself. Like any plastic surgery procedure, don't do it for someone else because it's your body.

You may be able to receive a 3D image simulating your predicted results as well. Our patients have found this to be quite helpful in understanding how they may look after their surgery and give you realistic expectations.

Viewing before and after photo galleries of our patients may also be helpful.

Preparing for the Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Toronto Procedure

It's important that you follow Dr. Kesarwani's pre-op instructions to adequately prepare for this body contouring surgery. These instructions include avoiding smoking, alcohol, and blood thinners. Make sure to eat a well balanced diet, as this will help enrich your body for a smoother recovery.

For better results in younger patients with tighter breasts, you may be asked to wear a Noogleberry external breast tissue expander device 6 hours a day for a month before your surgery (and 24 hours the day right before surgery).

The Noogleberry

Noogleberry breast expander torontoNoogleberry is a mechanical suction device that's worn on your chest to increase blood flow and stretch out your breasts. By doing this, the area where the fat is transferred to significantly expands, so more fat can be put in to fill it.

noogleberry logo

Increased blood flow also improves the survival of the injected fat in the breasts, reducing the risk of fat reabsorption that would reduce the longevity of your results.


You'll be given a list of pre-op instructions to follow to adequately prepare for your fat transfer breast augmentation surgery. These instructions may include restrictions on smoking, drinking alcohol and taking certain medications (such as Aspirin).


The Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Procedure

Overall, this specialized type of fat transfer procedure takes about 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on how much fat is transferred and how many areas are targeted. The fat transfer breast augmentation surgery takes place at our state-of-the-art surgical facility in North York.


The first part of the procedure is liposuction. Fat is meticulously suctioned from specific areas using gentle liposuction techniques to protect the fat cells (adipose tissue). Our plastic surgeon performs liposuction on a regular basis so is highly skilled at removing the desired amount of fat.

Fat can be harvested from many areas of the body that have pockets of excess fat, such as the abdomen, mid-section, flanks and inner thighs. It's important to select an area for harvesting that has fat cells which are suitable for the breasts, since not all fat is the same (fat cells come in different sizes and textures). For example, fat cells that are medium in size are more suitable to enhance the cleavage, while finer cells are more suitable for areas of the breast that have thinner and more delicate tissue, such as the upper chest location and décolleté area.

Fat removal is performed using an appropriately sized cannula for the patient and techniques are applied to ensure symmetric and even results. By doing this during the fat transfer surgery, you won't be at risk of developing uneven lumps and bumps in the target area.


The removed fat is then purified, isolating the fat cells. This is done very gently to avoid damaging the fat cells, improving their longevity. Dr. Kesarwani strives to obtain a much higher fat concentration than other surgeons so that what is transferred is less diluted by anything that's not actual fat.

Transferring the Fat

The final step of this plastic surgery is transferring the purified fat to the breasts. Measurements are carefully taken and outlined on the breasts so that your final results are as symmetric and balanced as possible.

Most of the fat is injected into the fatty layer (above the pectoralis muscle and under the skin). It must be injected in areas surrounded by healthy tissue.

Care is taken to limit the amount of fat for breast enlargement injection and minimize the risk of calcification.

Fat distribution is measured precisely, with these areas of focus:

  • the cleavage
  • the upper pole
  • the curves of the outside of the breast
  • the lower portion of the breast

The Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Procedure Recovery

Recovery after fat transfer breast augmentation tends to be faster than breast augmentation with implants. While swelling in the breasts may last for a week or two, swelling, bruising and mild discomfort in the donor area(s) may last for a bit longer. Most of the swelling and discomfort should go away within a couple of days. You may need to take a couple of days off from work or school just to devote your body to your recovery.

You can help improve your fat transfer breast augmentation recovery period rate by following the post-op directions we give you. These directions have been designed to help you recover smoother and faster, so you can return to normal activities sooner.

Recovery Tips

You'll need to restrict more demanding physical activities and strenuous exercise for a couple of weeks.

To improve the take of fat in your breasts, you'll need to sleep on your back for a few weeks after fat transfer breast augmentation.

You may need to take some days off from work. Usually, 1 week is sufficient although it may be a little longer if your job is physically demanding.

You may need to wear a compression garment in the donor area(s) and a comfortable sports bra for a few weeks. The compression garment will help your skin retract and the sports bra will provide the support you need during your recovery.

Once you've recovered, you'll enjoy larger, fuller breasts that look and feel natural. In fact, a 2014 study published in the Annals of Plastic Surgery reports that all the participants experienced not only a significant improvement in their breast size and shape, but also a soft and natural appearance after their surgery — improvements that our patients consistently report as well.

There has been a lot of research performed to prove the safety and effectiveness of fat transfer breast augmentation.

Our patients love their natural looking and feeling breasts after fat grafting surgery, and we're sure you will too!

How Long Does a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Last?

Patients often ask us, "How long does natural breast augmentation last?" Since the volume added to the breasts is your own fat, it is prone to fluctuations in size with dieting, exercising and aging. The results are long lasting, and your breasts will always be larger than if you hadn't gotten fat transfer in the first place. That's why we always recommend that patients maintain a stable weight and lead a healthy lifestyle to prolong their results.

How Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Can Improve Your Breast Shape

Think of your breasts more like sisters, rather than identical twins. This is because asymmetry is the norm. The reality is that most pairs of breasts do not look exactly the same, and symmetry varies depending on several factors, ranging from genetics, aging, weight fluctuations and pregnancy. While this may not bother some women, others may find their asymmetry to be troubling. Fat transfer breast enhancement is one effective option to improve symmetry.

Improving Placement
Following breast augmentation with implants, one implant may drop lower than the other. Fat transfer can “even” the breasts out.

Hiding Rippling and Visible Implant Outline
If a woman has little of their breast tissue, rippling may be a bigger concern following breast enlargement with implants. The outline of the breast implants to increase breast volume may also be more visible through the skin. These issues occur because the patient doesn't have enough of their own breast tissue to cover the implants sufficiently. Fortunately, fat transfer can resolve these issues.

Correction Contour Imperfections
The transferred fat serves as padding to cover the implants and smooth out any contour imperfections. The result is a more natural look.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer FAQ

Can I transfer fat to my breasts?

Yes! Fat transfer breast augmentation is a prosthetic-free cosmetic surgery procedure that uses your own fat to augment your breast size and shape. It's been called natural breast augmentation, and achieves the same or similar results to breast augmentation with implants. Candidates should have realistic expectations when considering what the fat transfer results can do. Click here to read more about the female breast.

Does fat transfer breast augmentation last?

The effects of fat transfer breast augmentation cosmetic surgery last for a long time, much like traditional breast augmentation. Aging, weight fluctuations and pregnancy can impact the effects, however.

How long does fat grafting breast augmentation Toronto surgery take?

This depends on how much fat you want to transfer, your goals, and if it's a standalone procedure. Fat transfer breast augmentation can take an hour or more and may require staged treatments to achieve your desired results. It can also be combined with such procedures as a mini tummy tuck.

Is natural breast augmentation safe?

Yes, when performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Kesarwani, this fat transfer breast augmentation procedure is safe and yields natural results. The beauty procedure has been safely performed for years by our amazing doctor, even on more sensitive situations such as breast reconstruction. Check out before and after photo galleries during your consultation.

Can fat transfer breast augmentation be removed?

Yes, the fat grafting can be liposuctioned to reduce breast volume at our office.

What is the average cost of fat transfer? How much does a fat transfer breast augmentation cost?

The average cost of fat transfer breast augmentation ranges from $10000 – $14000 in Canada. This cost typically covers the liposuction, fat purification and fat grafting in the existing breast tissue stages of the procedure.

What are the side effects of fat transfer for breast volume?

Fat transfer takes your own fat and puts it back into your body. This means that with breast fat transfer, the benefits are that you won't have an allergic reaction to it and won't have to deal with a foreign object in your body, as you would with silicone or saline breast implants. You can achieve the same or similar results to breast augmentation with implants. However, there are some possible side effects related to the fat transfer breast augmentation procedure. These include bruising, swelling and numbness. Some of the fat grafting may also get harmlessly reabsorbed by your body, making another fat transfer breast augmentation procedure necessary to achieve satisfactory results.

What are the risks of fat transfer breast augmentation?

The risks of fat transfer breast augmentation procedure are extremely rare when performed by experienced plastic surgeons with skills in applying the most innovative techniques, but should still be considered when deciding on whether to proceed with this fat transfer procedure. Risks and complications include the following for such procedures:

– Risks related to liposuction for the removal of unwanted fat at the donor site, including swelling, bruising, bleeding and skin irregularities
– Risks related to anesthesia
– Cysts
– Infection
– Microcalcification, which is the creation of small calcium deposits within the transferred fat. This can make it more difficult to read mammograms
– Migration of transferred fat cells
– Fat necrosis
– Fat embolism
– Failure to achieve desired outcome

If I have breast implants, can I get fat transfer breast augmentation?

Yes! In fact, there are several cosmetic issues and concerns that affect women with breast implants that can be corrected with the innovative techniques of fat transfer. These include rippling, asymmetry and lack of cleavage.

Why choose dr. Atul KESARWANI

Dr. Atul Kesarwani is a board certified plastic surgeon at Cosmedical Rejuvenation Clinic. He has 30+ years of experience in the field.

You'll speak with Dr. A. Kesarwani directly during your initial consultation. He has a gentle approach and unwavering commitment to achieving the beautiful, natural looking results you want. He takes the time to discuss your goals and assess your situation before providing you with a custom tailored solution. No detail is overlooked. You will appreciate her fastidious and exacting nature — traits that are essential when performing any procedure, particularly those targeting the face!

Dr. A. Kesarwani is dedicated to delivering you beautiful results while maintaining excellent patient safety and achieving superior patient satisfaction.