Breast augmentation, or augmentation mammoplasty, is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed by our head plastic surgeon, Dr. Atul Kesarwani.
This highly desired procedure is designed to enlarge a woman's breasts and help make them become more proportionate to the body, as well as resolve size breast asymmetry. Through breast augmentation, we can help reshape breasts that have lost their fullness due to weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding or age and boost femininity.
To help redefine your feminine curves, traditional breast augmentation is done with breast implants, medical devices that are made from silicone shells, with your choice of filling: cohesive silicone gel or saline (a sterile salt-water liquid solution).
There are different materials for implants, so patients can choose the implant type that works for them. If you prefer to have a size increase of up to 1 cup, there is also the option of fat transfer breast augmentation (using your own fat to increase your breast size.)
Types of Breast Implants: Which Breast Implants Toronto Are The Best?
Breast implants come in two different types: cohesive gel and saline. When answering the question, "what breast implants should I get," the right answer depends on your goals.
Cohesive Gel Breast Implants
Cohesive gel implants are breast implants with a silicone shell filled with a thick cohesive silicone gel material. They were approved by the FDA and Health Canada for breast augmentation in the early 2000s. Sometimes called "gummy bear implants", they are made up of a squishy solid form of silicone. The material is a silicone gel that is a viscous and inert fluid that is form-stable. It does not react with any chemicals in the body and is not toxic.
The silicone breast implant tends to be softer and feel more natural than saline implants. In the event of a silicone breast implant rupture, the silicone gel remains relatively intact (as opposed to saline) and are therefore less likely to rupture.
Wide Range of Breast Implant Shapes and Sizes
Cohesive implants are available in a wide range of shapes and sizes, allowing breast augmentation in Toronto to be performed in a natural and proportionate way. Since the silicone filling is thicker, these tend to maintain their shape in an upright position and are less likely to produce rippling. Currently, manufacturers also offer varying degrees of consistency, from softer to firmer.
Saline Breast Implants
Saline filled breast implants in Toronto have a silicone shell that is configured to the preferred size with a sterile saline solution. The saline is sterile and salted water that is pumped into the implant shell during breast augmentation surgery through a tube. Once the desired size is achieved, the tube and attachment are removed and the shell is completely sealed. It is completely safe in the body.
Saline Implant Pros and Cons
The advantage of saline is that the volume is added after implantation. For this reason, these implants are generally inserted through very tiny incisions, either through the areola border, beneath the breast, or in the armpit.
The downside for some patients is the texture, which is noticeably different from breast tissue. Saline implants can feel like a firm bag of water and ripples may show through to the surface of the breasts, potentially causing problems like undesirable contours after breast augmentation. If rupture happens, deflation appears rapidly. While leaks are not dangerous because of the bio-compatibility of saline, breast implant replacement surgery may be required to remove and replace the implant.
Which breast implants are safe? Which Breast Implants Are The Safest?
Both implant types are safe, having gone through rigorous testing for safety and durability during the manufacturing process. The material you choose depends on how you want your breasts to look and feel.
Trying on Sizers During Your Consultation
As part of your Toronto breast augmentation consultation, Dr. Kesarwani will provide you with a range of implant shape and sizes that would be most suitable for you, based on your body dimension measurements and goals. These measurements include "BWD", which stands for Breast Width Diameter.
You'll then be able to try on sizers to see which breast implants to get that are right for you. Make sure to bring bras in the size you'd like to be. With the right implant type, you can better visualize what you may look like post operation! It's a great breast augmentation visualization tool.
Breast Implant Sizes: What are Sizers?
Sizers are real breast implants (the same kinds that are used during breast augmentation) that are filled to a variety of sizes and shapes. We get them straight from our breast implant manufacturers. You can select the exact size and shape you want, as we have the whole range when deciding on breast implant size selection. Simply insert them into your bra so you can see how you'll look after surgery. While sizers are a great tool for the size selection process, they won't be EXACTLY how you'll look after breast implant surgery. This is because the sizers aren't typically compressed as much and may sit lower in your bra.
Make sure to bring a bra in the breast implant sizes you'd like to be, and a tight but stretchy t-shirt. Most patients find these helpful in the fitting process. You'll be able to see your predicted breast augmentation results better when asking, "What size breast augmentation should I get?"
The First Step
If you'd like to learn more about the cohesive gel or saline breast implants in Toronto, schedule your consultation with Dr. Kesarwani, a world renowned and experienced board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Kesarwani has routinely performed breast augmentation, breast lift, and breast reduction for over 35 years. You'll meet with Dr. Kesarwani personally during your initial consultation, so you can be sure that you get medical advice from the exact surgeon who'll perform your breast implant surgery. During your consultation, he'll help you make the right decisions and recommend a range of sizes that will give you the most satisfying results based on your breast width, tissue thickness and unique goals. He can show you before and after photos of both types of implants from his previous breast augmentation patients. See how these patients have benefited from breast augmentation!
A Note on Textured Breast Implants and Breast Augmentation Safety: What Breast Implants Were Recalled?
Please note that we only offer smooth implants. Dr. Kesarwani does not use textured implants, including Biocell (manufactured by Allergan). Biocell implants have been recalled as of 2019. As a matter of fact, he hasn't used textured implants since 2014. Patients with textured implants are not advised by Health Canada to remove them unless they've developed issues with them.
Symptoms of breast implant illness, specifically known as Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), almost always include a new and distinct swelling of your breast. Redness, changes in firmness of the breast or lumps around one or both implants are much less common findings in this condition. Usually the swelling comes on fairly rapidly, over several days or weeks, not over months or years. Typically, this occurs on one side only, but in exceptional cases, it can occur in both breasts.
Does Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer?
BIA-ALCL is not breast cancer. Rather, it affects the immune system.
If you have symptoms
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms after Toronto breast augmentation, please contact us. It is important that you know that the vast majority of patients who have symptoms like this do not have Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma and do not require any treatment. However, for safety reasons you should contact our office if you develop any of these symptoms. Dr. Kesarwani is one of the few plastic surgeons in Canada who has extensive experience performing complete capsulectomies (removing the entire breast capsule).
Who is an ideal Toronto breast augmentation candidate? Who Are The Best Candidates For Breast Augmentation?
The ideal candidate for breast augmentation is any woman who is unhappy with her breast size. Women who have mildly to moderately deflated breasts following childbirth or weight loss are often able to restore their breasts to their pre-pregnancy appearance. Potential breast augmentation candidates should also be physically fit, not diagnosed with a condition that compromises healing, and have realistic expectations. A personal consultation with Dr. Kesarwani can answer your questions and help you decide whether breast enlargement may be right for you. His ultimate goal is to help make you comfortable with your decision and happy with the results.
Who Cannot Have Breast Implants - Why Not To Get Breast Implants
While many individuals are candidates for breast implants, certain conditions and factors can disqualify someone from being an ideal candidate. These factors may include:
Medical Conditions
Individuals with untreated breast cancer or an active infection.
Individuals with autoimmune disorders or compromised immune systems that could complicate healing.
Patients with certain chronic conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes or heart disease.
Psychological Factors
People with unrealistic expectations about the results.
Those with body dysmorphic disorders or other mental health issues that could be exacerbated.
Anatomical Considerations
Those who do not have enough natural tissue to cover the implants adequately.
Individuals with existing conditions that affect the chest area, such as severe chest wall deformities.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Those who are currently pregnant or breastfeeding are generally advised to wait due to the potential changes in breast tissue and health considerations for the baby.
How Long After Pregnancy Can You Get Breast Augmentation? How Long To Wait For Breast Augmentation After Breastfeeding
Women should wait at least 6 months after they've given birth or stopped breastfeeding (whichever is later) before proceeding with cosmetic breast surgery.
How Long Between Consultation And Surgery Breast Augmentation
This all depends on Dr. Kesarwani's schedule, as well as receipt of the results of your pre-surgery lab tests. At the fastest, it can be a matter of days if no issues arise. As the longest, it can be a couple of months. If you're in a hurry, let us know during your consultation and we'll see if we can accommodate your time frame.
Which implant size and shape is right for me? How to decide breast augmentation size
When considering which size and shape breast implants are right for you, it's important to take the following into account when establishing your preferences:
Current breast size (and amount of breast tissue)
Placement of implant: submuscular or sublandular
Breast augmentation incision placement: around the areola and nipples (periareolar), in the breast fold (inframammary) or in the armpit (transaxillary)
Body Type
Breast Implant Shapes
Once these factors have been assessed, your options for implant shape include the following:
Round Breast Implant Shapes
Round implants are the most common choice, and give women fuller lift and cleavage. Depending on their base width, they can also help give the breasts a bit of a lift to a certain extent. They are spherical in shape.
For those looking for major cleavage, and more volume at the tops of the breasts in the upper pole, round implants are your best bet. Round breast implants are also the most commonly used by all plastic surgeons in Toronto, as the risk of rotation is eliminated and you won't have prominent issues with a noticeable edge.
Teardrop Breast Implant Shapes
Teardrop shaped implants are shaped according to their name, and are fuller at the bottom than at the top. Teardrop implants more closely mimic the shape of natural breasts, but aren't as popular due to the risk of rotation.
Breast Implant Profiles
Another consideration related to the shape of a breast implant is its profile. The profile of an implant is determined by the width of its base. The narrower the width, the more projection of the breast from the body is achieved. On the other hand, an implant with a wider base will lie flatter on the body because more of the implant touches the body.
Manufacturers have created different labels for the profiles of their implants for breast augmentation. They are listed below, from the widest base to the narrowest.
Breast Implant Brands
Mentor Silicone Breast Implants
Moderate Plus
Ultra High
Allergan (Natrelle) Silicone Breast Implants
Low Plus
Extra Full
Which profile is right for me? The answer depends on your body and what you'd like to achieve.
Moderate and low profiles have the widest base width and shortest vertical length, so they offer minimal projection from the body. As such, they are great for women with preference for a more natural look or have a wider chest width.
Breast Augmentation To Fix Sagging: Can breast augmentation fix saggy breasts?
The ultra high and extra full profiles are on the opposite end of the spectrum. These implants have the smallest base widths so that most of the implant surface doesn't lie on the chest. Most patients who prefer these profiles want a rounder and prominent shape with enhanced fullness in the upper portion of their breasts — recommended for the correction of mild to moderate sagging. Therefore, breast augmentation for sagging breasts is possible, as long as sagging is not as severe.
Higher profile implants may also provide more cleavage depending on the amount of space between the breasts.
Large Breast Implants: Are They Suitable to Fix Sagging?
Large breast implants are sometimes believed to provide more of a lift for sagging breasts. While this may be true in some cases, it is only that way if that size is recommended to you based on an assessment of your physiology and goals. It's important to note that going larger tends to come with considerations and potential risks.
Your body shape, chest width, skin elasticity, and existing breast tissue are all factors that influence how large implants will look and feel. Large implants on a very petite frame can strain the supporting tissues over time, increasing risks of ptosis (sagging) or tissue thinning.
Potential Complications
Increased Stress on Tissues: Thinner or more delicate breast tissues may be more prone to stretching. This strain can lead to rippling or "bottoming out," where the implant migrates downward.
Back and Shoulder Discomfort: Larger implants may create added weight on the chest, sometimes contributing to posture problems or discomfort for some individuals.
Capsular Contracture: This is a risk for all breast implants, but larger implants may raise the potential for harder or more painful scar tissue formation around the implant.
Revision Surgeries: Large implants may increase the likelihood of requiring additional procedures over time to address complications, changes in preference, or aesthetic adjustments.
Ultimately, large breast implants can produce a dramatic, noticeable change, but they also involve heightened considerations regarding fit, maintenance, and long-term health of the breast tissues.
The Toronto Breast Augmentation Procedure: what does breast augmentation involve?
What Type Of Anesthesia Is Used For Breast Augmentation?
General anesthesia is administered before the Toronto breast augmentation procedure by a board certiifed anesthetist. This anesthetic is designed to provide you with relief not just during surgery, but also 6-8 hours afterward. For this reason, you'll be more comfortable when you wake up from the anesthesia.
Breast augmentation under local anesthesia is not typically recommended for a number of reasons, the most important being inadequate pain management.
The Main Incision
While any breast augmentation incisions placement can be performed, Dr. Kesarwani applies advanced surgical techniques. He typically recommends inframammary incision placement. This breast fold incision allows for optimal implant pocket creation in the breast, whether it is underneath the breast mound in the subglandular or submuscular position. He is meticulous when creating plastic surgery incisions, performing the breast augmentation cosmetic surgery under direct vision of the surgical site and applying electrocauterization to reduce bleeding and inflammation. This is done to not only make recovery time faster, but also reduce the risk of capsular contracture (irregular hardening and thickening of scar tissue around the implant). Dr. Kesarwani also makes sure to irrigate the breast pocket with antibiotic solution to reduce the risk of infection.
Breast Implant Placement: breast augmentation techniques
When placing the breast implants into the body, Dr. Kesarwani uses the Keller Funnel. This sterile device allows the implant to be placed without directly touching them. With minimal biofilm and bacteria, the implants are less damaged. And the bonus: a shorter incision may be needed when using the Keller Funnel, so you'll probably have less scarring!
Implants Under Muscle vs Over: What Is Dual Plane Breast Augmentation?
Implant placement is usually partially under the pectoral muscles. This is what is referred to as "dual plane". We have found that this gives you a nicer, more natural looking shape, regardless of the breast implant size. It provides good coverage of the implant itself so the risk of rippling is reduced and the chest muscle provides some support as well. In the right patient, the implants may be entirely over the pectoral muscle. This position is known as subglandular. Subglandular breast implant placement is more common for women who have some sagging and have chosen to achieve a subtle lift with implants alone, instead of undergoing a breast lift (mastopexy), which is a more extensive cosmetic surgical procedure. Therefore, when asking about breast augmentation under the muscle versus over, it really depends on the patient and unique goals.
Once the breast implants are placed, layers of sutures are applied within the breast tissue so that there are no knots on the surface that could cause bumps and take a long time to dissolve. Doing this also gives you a stronger closure of the incision. A flannel bandage is used to wrap up the chest for compression, reducing the risk of excessive swelling and hematoma.
Recuperation After Breast Augmentation: Breast Augmentation Recovery
You may feel some tightness after breast augmentation in Toronto, but the long lasting anesthetic provides you with relief for 6-8 hours afterward. Pain medications, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics are also prescribed.
After 48-72 hours, the flannel is removed and you can start wearing a sports bra. You may also need to wear a band to push the implants down if necessary. This is more common in patients with smaller, tighter breasts.
You can get back to work in 4-5 days after breast augmentation. Avoid heavy lifting and upper body exercise for 3 weeks to allow your body to heal from surgery. Doing so also reduces the risk of rupturing sutures and capsular contracture.
When To Start Breast Massage After Augmentation - How To Massage Scar Tissue After Breast Augmentation
You may be asked to massage your breasts to move the implants around, helping the breast augmentation recovery process. This is done once the incisions have closed and are strong enough to resist the movement of the breasts while they are massaged. More details will be given to you by Dr. Kesarwani regarding how to massage your breasts after breast augmentation.
How Much Does Breast Size Change After Augmentation? Do Breasts Drop After A Lift?
As the weeks and months pass after your surgery, your breasts will most likely change in shape. Right after surgery, your breasts may appear flattened and squarish (particularly if your skin is tight or have little of your own breast tissue.) As tissue expansion occurs, your breasts will take on a more natural shape in a process known as drop and fluff.
How long does it take for breast augmentation to drop and fluff? The process generally takes about 4-6 months.
Are Breast Augmentation Scars Noticeable? When To Use Silicone Scar Sheets After Breast Augmentation
Your scars will gradually fade in the months after your surgery. We'll recommend that you apply silicone gel to the scars 24/7 for about three months. The advantages of using these types of products are that it helps the scars to fade so that they're less visible, allowing you to enjoy your results fully. You can read more about silicone scar gel here.
Follow Your Post-Op Instructions
Each patient's breast augmentation recovery time following a cosmetic breast augmentation or implant procedure will be different depending on several factors, such as the exact plastic surgery method applied and the skill of your attending plastic surgeon. Breast augmentation will require adequate rest and time to properly heal. How to speed up breast augmentation recovery? Follow the instructions of Dr. Kesarwani to prevent breast implant complications during the healing process. This information is for your safety, as following these instructions can dramatically reduce the risk of complications like capsular contracture, infection and displacement.
While healing, it is important not to disturb the incisions and to keep them clean. Most patients can shower after the initial dressing is removed, usually within 48 hours.
There is a very small chance of infection with every surgical procedure so be sure to use the antibiotics provided to you. Dr. Kesarwani does not usually use drains after Toronto breast augmentation. If you experience sudden pain or swelling, consult us immediately.
Dizziness and Discomfort
It is common to experience dizziness following the Toronto breast augmentation surgery as it will be carried out under general anesthesia. You will be instructed to get plenty of rest for the first few days to avoid stressing your body while you heal. You may experience some pain in the breasts but this can be managed with pain medication. A loss of sensitivity in the area is common but it should return to normal within a few days.
Breast Augmentation Tips: Fight Bloating After Breast Augmentation Surgery. How Long Does Stomach Bloating Last After Breast Augmentation?
A common post-surgical discomfort for women who have just undergone breast augmentation with implants is stomach bloating. Some women are surprised to find that they look heavier than they did pre-surgery. (Some are also told by their scales that they had added a bit of weight.)
After surgery, swelling is common. This is a natural reaction to any trauma, including that which is caused by surgery. While swelling is in the area of the surgery (the chest), the force of gravity can cause the accumulated fluids to go downward, into the mid-section.
Another common cause of breast augmentation post-op bloating is decreased intestinal function due to prescribed pain medications. Dr Kesarwani may recommend taking stool softeners and laxatives to help stimulate the digestive tract and induce more frequent bowel movements.
Reduce Stressors
One of the best methods to help ensure that your stomach bloating goes down as quickly as possible following breast augmentation surgery is to control and reduce stressors. Often women have worries about the results of the cosmetic surgery, as well as the healing of the surgical site. All of this stress becomes psychosomatic and your body will start to show signs of it. One of those signs is bloating. You are already under a serious amount of physical stress from the surgery, so the absolute best thing you can do your for your stomach (and your entire body) is to relax!
There is little reason to worry, as breast augmentation is a common surgery with an extremely high satisfaction rate. What you can do to combat bloating is to relax, drink plenty of fresh water, go to the washroom regularly and cut back on foods that promote bloating (ie sodium). Do your best not to worry about the plastic surgery procedure or the temporary bloating you are experiencing, as this will only exacerbate things. Focus your mind on something else; ensure you are taking the necessary steps and precautions to bring about a full and successful recovery—and let your body heal.
How Long After Breast Augmentation Can I Drink
Alcohol consumption can interfere with your recovery. It thins the blood, increasing your risk of bruising, bleeding and inflammation, as well as dehydrates you, which is detrimental to the healing process. It may also negatively interact with prescribed pain medications, increasing other risks to your health. For these reasons, you may need to avoid alcohol for a week or more, depending on how your recovery goes.
Four Ways to Reduce Swelling After You Undergo Breast Augmentation Canada
Cold packs: If the area feels tender or swollen, ice packs can be used to lessen the swelling and numb the pain. Because colder temperatures help to contract the blood vessels, it can provide some level of relief during the healing process.
Sitting/sleeping upright: In order to prevent fluid buildup that can lead to bruising, swelling, and pain make an effort to remain sitting upright for as much of the recovery phase as possible. You will need to sleep sitting upright or lying on your back so as to avoid putting any pressure on your breasts while healing.
Diuretics: Excess fluid retention in the body can also be greatly affected by the use of diuretics such as herbal and chamomile tea, water, and cranberry juice.
Limiting sodium intake: A low salt diet for the first few days following your plastic surgery procedure will help reduce fluid accumulation, easing pain and helping you feel more comfortable.
Recovery is generally very quick after Toronto breast augmentation and you can expect to get back to most of your usual activities within a few days of surgery.
How to Sleep Comfortably on Your Back After Augmentation Mammoplasty: How To Lay After Breast Augmentation
Sleeping on your back is a must after breast augmentation (or any breast surgery for that matter) and is recommended by plastic surgeons for several reasons.
It puts less pressure on incision lines so they heal better.
It puts less pressure on your breasts, allowing tissues to heal properly.
There's less risk of displacement and contour irregularities.
Here are 4 tips that you can do to help become a back sleeper after breast augmentation surgery:
Optimize your bed for back sleeping. This could mean getting a more comfortable mattress or adding extra pillows that can be placed around you. You may even want to put some light pillows on top of your body and face, to mimic that feeling of sleeping on your front.
Resolve any health issues that prevent you from sleeping on your back. Sometimes, the reason people sleep on their front is because they have back pain or other body pain that prevents them from sleeping on their back. See a doctor to discuss how you can resolve this pain.
Prevent yourself from sleeping on your front by making it extremely uncomfortable. Put awkward objects near you so that if you roll onto your front while you sleep, you'll roll onto those objects as well. This can help send a signal to your brain that it's uncomfortable.
Start practicing sleeping on your back as soon as possible. The earlier you do it before your breast augmentation, the more accustomed you'll become to it and make it a habit.
Your Post-Op Breast Augmentation Appointments
Dr. Kesarwani believes that the recovery process is one of the most important parts of your surgical experience. He cares about how you're doing after surgery. For this reason, Dr. Kesarwani sees every breast augmentation patient himself for a follow up appointment at 48 hours after and 10 days after surgery. Like our other plastic surgery patients, we're sure you'll also appreciate this extra care and attention during your recovery! These appointments allow us to make sure you're doing well and gives you the opportunity to express any concerns you may have with a direct line of quality communication with Dr. Kesarwani and our staff.
When can I expect to see results?
Dr. Kesarwani is one of Toronto's top breast augmentation specialists. While his patients can see an improvement immediately after their surgery, the optimal results appear once bruising and swelling subside and the implants have settled into their appropriate position. This can take about 3-4 months.
6 Questions To Ask Before Breast Augmentation
For many women, a small or uneven chest can be the source of low self-esteem. If you're one of these women, breast augmentation surgery may be ideal to enhance your beauty. A breast augmentation procedure involves making the chest bigger, creating new, firmer contours, and fixing size asymmetry, improving breast symmetry. Ask yourself the following six questions to ensure it's the best move.
Why do I want a breast augmentation?
If your breasts are a combination of being uneven, small, or misshapen, a breast augmentation may fix those issues. But, you have to be doing it for YOU and not someone else. If a partner or someone else in your life is encouraging you to make your breasts bigger through augmentation surgery, don't do it.
What are my goals with breast augmentation?
The expertise of your plastic surgeon will be able to help you determine what will look appropriate for your frame. If your goal is to go from an A cup to a triple D then you need to rethink having a breast augmentation due to safety concerns. Choose a cup size and shape that your body and lifestyle can support.
How is my health?
In order to undergo any plastic surgery, you need to be in good health. That doesn't mean that if you have asthma or diabetes that you can't have a breast implant surgery done, but you will need to discuss it with your primary doctor first. Anything that is of concern in your medical history should be discussed. You may also need to change some lifestyle habits before and after your surgery, such as refraining from smoking and taking vitamin supplements. More details can be discussed during your initial assessment.
Have I done enough research on breast augmentation?
Read up about the plastic surgery procedure, including details on its risks and side effects, so you can get a general idea of whether the procedure is right for you. Some common risks include seroma, hematoma, implant displacement, undesirable results, changes in nipple sensitivity, and incision issues.
Will I have time for the recovery period and follow up?
Right after your surgery, you'll be observed in our recovery room at our practice location by your dedicated team of nurses. Then, you'll be cleared to go home. Following a breast augmentation procedure you need to have patience and free time. If you cannot take a few days off from work, you can't have surgery. In fact, this is true for most surgeries. You need to give your body time to recover, and there will be follow-up visits with Dr. Kesarwani to ensure that you are healing nicely and that your chest is responding well to its new contours.
Are my breast augmentation expectations realistic?
You will not wake up the day after your breast implant surgery with gorgeous new breasts. There is a recovery period that you have to go through before noticing the results of your procedure. If you have realistic expectations, then this won't bother you.
Insecurity about the size and shape of your breasts can take a huge toll on your self-confidence. It can affect the types of activities you participate in, the clothes you wear, and your general mood and happiness. Breast augmentation is a reliable, safe plastic surgery procedure.
At Cosmedical Rejuvenation Clinic, breast augmentation is one of our most commonly performed procedures by our board certified plastic surgeon, and the one that gives women the most satisfaction!
Why Get Breast Augmentation?
As potential patients contemplate the idea of breast augmentation, the question that often echoes is, "Are breast implants worth it?" The answer to this query is subjective, varying significantly based on personal desires, individual circumstances, and health considerations.
Like any surgical operation, breast augmentation carries risks. Possible complications include infection, scarring, breast pain, and changes in nipple or breast sensation. In some instances, more surgeries may be required to address these complications.
When considering, "Is breast augmentation worth it?" financial aspects also come into play. The expense of the surgery, varying between $8,000 and $11,000, is typically not covered by insurance as it's deemed a cosmetic procedure. In addition, implants are not permanent fixtures. Health Canada estimates that the replacement of breast implants happens within 10 to 15 years, indicating further costs in the future.
Several studies have delved into the psychological ramifications of breast augmentation. A 2019 study published in the journal "Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery" reported that women experienced high satisfaction rates and improved quality of life after the surgery. However, it's vital to note that while breast augmentations may amplify confidence, they should not be considered a cure-all for deep-rooted self-esteem issues.
When pondering, "Are breast augmentations worth it?" or "Was breast augmentation worth it?", the decision should be made after thorough consideration of both potential advantages and disadvantages.
Remember, it's your body, and ultimately, the question, "Is breast augmentation really worth it?" should be answered in alignment with your desires, health considerations, and financial circumstances.
Is Breast Augmentation Worth It?
It all depends on whether your issue(s) may be resolved with this procedure. Our patients consider breast augmentation for various personal reasons, and have found that it was truly beneficial for their well being. Some common reasons include the following:
disproportionate size
replacing volume loss following weight loss or pregnancy
replacing the breasts after trauma
fitting into clothes better
While it can potentially boost self-esteem and satisfaction with your appearance, it's important to have realistic expectations. Breast augmentation alone may not resolve deeper issues related to self-esteem or body image.
How Many Women Get Breast Augmentation
While there are no specific numbers on how many women get breast augmentation, it is well known that hundreds of thousands of procedures are performed every year in North America alone, based on numbers obtained from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This is just one professional medical organization. There are several others, including the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and International Confederation of Plastic Surgery Societies.
With so many procedures performed annually, it would be logical to conclude that there are millions of women around the world who have breast implants.
How Old Do You Have To Be To Get Breast Augmentation
For saline breast implants, patients must be at least 18 years old. However, if you're interested in silicone breast implants, the minimum age requirement is 22 years old. These rules are set by Health Canada.
Beyond just meeting the age requirement, there are several important medical considerations. Patients need to be in good physical health and be emotionally mature enough to make such a significant decision about their bodies. The first stages of breast development should also be completed since continuing development after surgery can negatively impact results.
If you're under 18, parental/guardian consent would be required for any cosmetic procedure. It's also crucial that you're mentally and emotionally prepared for the surgery, understand all the risks involved, and are financially prepared for the procedure and aftercare. This is part of informed consent.
Remember that age requirements might vary depending on your location and circumstances.
Breast Augmentation Before Pregnancy: What You Need to Know
While there's no medical reason you can't have breast implants before pregnancy, there are some factors to consider.
Can You Get Pregnant with Breast Implants?
Yes! Breast implants don't affect your ability to get pregnant or give birth to a child. Because of their placement, implants don't interfere with your reproductive organs or hormones.
It's important to understand that pregnancy and breastfeeding can significantly change your breasts, with or without implants. During pregnancy, your breasts will likely increase in size as milk ducts expand and breast tissue swells. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, breasts often "deflate" and may sag. These natural changes can potentially affect the appearance of augmented breasts.
Generally speaking, women with breast implants can breastfeed without issue. However, some women may experience difficulties. If breastfeeding is a priority and don't want to be exposed to this rare risk, you may want to delay your surgery just in case.
Due to the changes breasts undergo during pregnancy, some women find they want revision surgery after having children to address changes in the shape, size, or position of their augmented breasts.
If you're planning to get pregnant within the next year or two, it may be worth waiting on breast augmentation. This allows your body to go through the changes of pregnancy without the added factor of implants. However, if pregnancy is a more distant plan, many women choose to enjoy their augmented breasts for several years before having children.
While it's perfectly possible to have breast augmentation before pregnancy, it's a decision that requires careful consideration of both short-term and long-term factors.
Breast Implants and Pregnancy
Many women with breast implants wonder how pregnancy might affect their augmented breasts or if implants could impact their ability to breastfeed. If you're considering pregnancy after breast augmentation or vice versa, here's what you should know.
Can I carry a baby after breast augmentation?
The short answer is yes. Breast implants has no biological impact on your ability to conceive, or even carry a pregnancy to term. The implants are isolated within the breast tissue and do not interact with your reproductive system.
Breast augmentation after pregnancy: how does pregnancy affect breast augmentation?
During pregnancy, your breasts will naturally enlarge as they prepare for milk production. This occurs regardless of whether you have implants or not. Today's breast implants are designed to be flexible and can typically accommodate these changes without issue.
However, it's important to note that pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause changes to your natural breast tissue. Some women may experience:
Changes in breast shape or size
Stretching of the skin
Sagging (ptosis) after pregnancy and breastfeeding
These changes can occur with or without implants and are part of the natural process of pregnancy and motherhood.
Breastfeeding with Implants
Generally speaking, women with breast implants can successfully breastfeed. The ability to breastfeed largely depends on the type of incision used during your augmentation surgery. Incisions made under the breast fold or through the armpit (transaxillary) are less likely to interfere with milk ducts and nerves crucial for breastfeeding.
However, if you're planning to get implants and want to breastfeed in the future, it's crucial to discuss this with your surgeon. They can choose surgical techniques that preserve your ability to breastfeed or recommend that you wait until after you've had children before proceeding with surgery.
Safety Concerns
There's no evidence to suggest that silicone from implants can pass into breast milk or harm a fetus. Whether you have silicone or saline implants, both are considered safe for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
After pregnancy and breastfeeding, some women may notice changes in the appearance of their augmented breasts. In some cases, a breast lift or implant replacement might be desired to address any changes. It's best to wait until you've finished having children before considering any additional breast surgeries.
Having breast implants doesn't prevent you from experiencing a healthy pregnancy or breastfeeding your baby. However, it's important to have realistic expectations about how pregnancy might affect your augmented breasts. Always consult with your plastic surgeon and obstetrician if you have any concerns about your implants during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
All About Undergoing a Mammogram Exam With Breast Implants
Mammograms are critical tools in the detection of breast cancer. They're recommended for all women aged 40 and above. The process of undergoing a mammogram can be made more complicated by getting breast augmentation with silicone implants. This means that those with silicone gel implants should understand the different approach to their mammogram compared with traditional diagnostic services.
As with any diagnostic tool, there are multiple benefits to undergoing a mammogram. One of the most important benefits of this process is that it can aid in the early and effective detection of cancer. Using a mammogram, specialists can detect breast abnormalities that might otherwise lead to a dangerous cancer developing over a short period of time. Quick diagnosis is often critical to optimal results in the treatment process.
Experienced specialists
There are many professionals in the medical field who specialize in performing mammograms on patients with silicone implants. The specialist will know how to manipulate tissue to highlight any abnormalities and complete a comprehensive diagnosis. You should make sure the diagnostic team understands that you have breast implants. During your procedure, the specialist will work to minimize the compression of the breast to reduce the chances of damage to your silicone implants. Those that have been trained in this process can complete a full mammogram without having to significantly adjust the procedure.
One option for imaging breasts with breast implants is the use of displacement, which involves moving the breast implant manually by pushing the implants from surrounding tissue. This will allow the tissue to be analyzed without impacting the breast implants. The specialist can then complete the full imaging of the breast tissue.
Other Diagnostic Tests
In addition to undergoing a mammogram, many specialists will recommend that women over the age of 40 undergo several other diagnostic tests, including MRIs and ultrasounds. Both of these diagnostic tools are often used for women with silicone implants when specialists are uncertain of the full value of the mammogram process.
By working with trained professionals and researching their diagnostic needs, women who have had breast augmentation procedures can safely undergo mammograms and protect their health for the coming years.
Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Augmentation Toronto
Breast Augmentation FAQs
How much does breast augmentation cost in Toronto? How much do breast implants cost? How much is breast augmentation surgery?
Breast augmentation cost in Toronto ranges in price according to the type of implants (saline or silicone breast implants), plastic surgeon, and facility fees. The average breast augmentation cost is from $8000 to $10,000 for this plastic surgery procedure. The procedure may be combined with others, such as a breast lift or fat transfer breast augmentation.
What is the difference between a breast augmentation and breast implants?
Breast augmentation performed by our plastic surgeon enhances the size of the breasts, and can be done with fat grafting or breast implants. Breast implants are the objects used to make the breasts bigger. There are silicone implant and saline implant.
What is the meaning of breast augmentation? What is breast augmentation? What is bilateral breast augmentation?
Breast augmentation means a plastic surgical procedure that increases breast size. This can involve augmentation with a prosthetic or fat, as is the case with fat transfer breast augmentation. Our Toronto breast augmentation surgeon performs both plastic surgery procedures. Bilateral breast augmentation is when the procedure is performed on both breasts.
What are gummy bear implants?
Gummy bear breast implants are a type of implant that is filled with a cohesive silicone gel. It has the texture of gummy bear candy, hence the name.
Can you squeeze fake breasts?
Yes, it is possible to squeeze fake breasts after a boob job Toronto. Implants are constructed to mimic the feel of natural breast tissue, and this is particularly true for the silicone gel implants used during breast augmentation.
Which type of breast implant feels the most natural?
Saline Vs Silicone Implant: It is generally believed that silicone feels more natural than saline implants, since they are made with a gel that is pliable. Click here to read more about the female breast.
Do breast augmentation implants soften over time?
The implants feel the same no matter how long you've had them after breast enlargement surgery. However, it is the scar tissue that naturally surrounds an implant that can contribute to how they feel externally. In the earlier stages of recovery, the implants may feel overly firm, unlike natural breast tissue. This occurs because the tissues haven't stretched out. With time, tissue expansion occurs, allowing the implant to take on a more natural shape and feel.
Can breast implants last 20 years? Should 30 year old breast implants be removed? How long do breast implants last?
The data shows that the average lifespan of silicone implants is 10 years. However, some patients have found they are comfortable with the same implants for as long as 25 years or more. At some point, you should expect to get them replaced. The lifespan of your implants depends on a number of factors, including age, health and activities. With everyday activities, your implants can move and eventually degrade, increasing the risk of implant rupture. Those who complete strenuous activity on a regular basis may find that their implants require replacement within a shorter timespan.
When do I need to replace my silicone implant after breast augmentation? Do I need to get breast augmentation every 10 years?
Although manufacturers say breast implants last for about 10 years, that doesn't mean you have to get surgery done every decade. You'll only need to remove or replace your implants if you are experiencing issues with them. These issues include a complication, such as capsular contracture or rupture, and a change in aesthetic goals.
Can I exercise with breast implants?
Exercise is an important component to promoting optimal health and should be done before and after undergoing breast augmentation in Toronto. After surgery, it is important for those who typically exercise to continue doing so. However, post-operation is an important time for healing and one must be aware of their limitations when it comes to going back to hitting the gym. For those who have had breast implants, there are special precautions to take when it comes to exercising post-surgery, as doing too much too soon can lead to complications (like capsular contracture). It is best to consult with your breast augmentation surgeon as to their recommended timeframe for when you can get back to your exercise regimen.
Can breast augmentation improve my sex life?
Breast augmentations, along with other plastic surgery procedures enhancing the body, lead to greater satisfaction with personal appearance and self confidence. The boost of self-esteem can change the way people carry themselves. Whether it's the extra pep in your step or daring to wear flirtier makeup, hair, or clothing, breast implants can have a long-term, positive effect. Studies show that clients experienced higher levels of arousal, as well as feeling happier about their sex lives. Experts have surveyed most patients who have had breast augmentation, finding that breast implants surgery can enhance what happens in the bedroom. One explanation identifies self-doubt as the main obstacle for women to enjoy themselves in bed. Removing those negative thoughts will help you connect more strongly to the moment. Post-recovery, most patients reported having sex more frequently with a greater sense of satisfaction. Partners are also reported as having an improved sex life.
Will removing breast implants cause my breasts to sag?
It is possible that there will be some sagging after breast augmentation performed, but it does not always happen. Even when it does occur, it is not necessarily a permanent change to breast shape. There are a few variables that can influence the probability that breasts will sag after implant removal. One factor is the original ratio of implant volume to breast tissue volume. If you still have a fair amount of breast tissue in relation to the volume of the implant, then there will be less sagging, since a smaller percentage of the total volume is being taken out. For example, if the original implants brought you from a B cup to a C cup, then you can expect minimal sagging. However, if the change was more drastic, then there could be some noticeable sagging. If your skin still retains a lot of elasticity, then it will contract and adjust to the new, smaller breast volume. If you do experience some sagging after breast implant removal, it does not have to be permanent. After a couple of months, your skin may adjust to the new volume and return to a perkier shape. If they don't revert back, then a breast lift can help reclaim their perkier shape.
Do breast enhancement creams and pills work?
Aging, having children, genetics: these factors all play a role in the size and shape of our breasts as well as your body shape. Breast enhancement creams and pills that promise to grow and shape with botanical ingredients, like fennel, wild yam extract, saw palmetto, and dong quai don't work. These ingredients are phytoestrogens that are thought to have the same effects as human estrogen. In actuality, phytoestrogens don't do much in the way of making the bust bigger. They only stimulate your glands and may cause you to develop an allergic reaction, leaving you with a rash or infection on your chest that can only be cleared with antibiotics. Some of these natural creams and pills boast commercial claims that they actually work based on clinical trials, but, in reality, there is no basis to these claims. It is important to note that any creams and pills that increase the glandular development of the breasts can increase your likelihood of developing cancer, because they could stimulate the glands enough that make tissues more susceptible to breast cancer.
How will my breast implants be affected by pregnancy?
Pregnancy and breastfeeding do not have any impact on silicone implants or saline implants. However, it is extremely common for changes to occur to the actual breasts. The breasts can increase or decrease in size and the skin/breast tissue may become lax, becoming saggy. The weight of implants may accelerate the rate of sagging. For this reason, plastic surgeons recommend that you wait until you no longer plan to have children before proceeding with cosmetic surgery.
Do breast implants interfere with breastfeeding?
Any cosmetic breast surgery, whether it be breast augmentation, breast lift or reduction, involves the risk of impacting breastfeeding ability. This is related more to the method by which the plastic surgery is performed and the placement of incisions, rather than the implants themselves. The areas through which insertion of implants can be made include within the breast fold, around the areolae, in the armpit and in the belly button. For example, incisions placed around the areolae can increase the risk. This risk, however, is still considered rare. Incision within in the breast fold has been associated with an even lower risk. An understanding of anatomy makes incisions on the breast preferred, as it can make positioning more accurate and improve surgical outcome.
Why choose dr. Atul KESARWANI
Dr. Atul Kesarwani is a board certified plastic surgeon at Cosmedical Rejuvenation Clinic. He has 30+ years of experience in the field.
You'll speak with Dr. A. Kesarwani directly during your initial consultation. He has a gentle approach and unwavering commitment to achieving the beautiful, natural looking results you want. He takes the time to discuss your goals and assess your situation before providing you with a custom tailored solution. No detail is overlooked. You will appreciate her fastidious and exacting nature — traits that are essential when performing any procedure, particularly those targeting the face!
Dr. A. Kesarwani is dedicated to delivering you beautiful results while maintaining excellent patient safety and achieving superior patient satisfaction.