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Revision Tummy Tuck

We often treat patients who are unhappy with the results of their tummy tuck with another surgeon. As such, Dr. Atul Kesarwani has become a go-to provider for patients who have had tummy tucks with other surgeons and are looking to improve their outcomes further.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported an impressive 161,948 tummy tucks in 2022 alone. Not all of these tummy tucks were the first performed on patients. Many were revision tummy tucks.

A revision tummy tuck is a follow-up procedure designed to correct any issues or complications arising from the initial tummy tuck. Due to its corrective nature, the procedure requires an exceptional level of surgical skill and often involves addressing problems from the prior surgery while ensuring improved aesthetic outcomes.

What issues can be corrected?

Dog Ears
One of the common reasons for seeking a revision tummy tuck involves the occurrence of 'dog ears.' This term refers to excess skin protrusions at the ends of the surgical incision, resulting from uneven tension distribution during the initial surgery. According to clinical studies, dog ears occur in a significant number of all tummy tuck procedures.

Undesirable Scarring
Another prevalent issue that necessitates a revision tummy tuck is undesirable scarring. Scars may range from simple discolourations to more severe hypertrophic or keloid scars. These types of scarring can occur in around 15-20% of tummy tuck patients. Besides being aesthetically displeasing, severe scarring can also lead to discomfort and restricted movement, further motivating patients to seek revision surgery. The location of the scar can be adjusted and symmetry of the scar can be improved. The prominence of the scar can be reduced, whether it be overly thick, raised or depressed.

Belly Button Revision
The shape of the belly button may not be appealing after an initial tummy tuck. Belly button revision can improve shape as well as improve scarring that may exist.

More Aggressive Abdominal Muscle Separation Repair
In some instances, the abdominal muscles may not have been brought together enough. Dr. Kesarwani applies more tightening of the abdominal muscles to give patients a more cinched-in waist.

Unsatisfactory Results from Initial Tummy Tuck
Sometimes, the initial tummy tuck procedure may not yield the desired results. The person may feel that their abdomen does not look as flat, tight, or natural as they expected, which can be due to various factors such as surgical technique, healing process, or the individual's body type. The disappointment with the outcome could lead to a decision to have a revision tummy tuck to further reduce girth. This may be done with secondary liposuction or further tightening of the abdominal wall (although sometimes optimizing weight is first necessary). In some cases, a circumferential body lift may be recommended for optimal results.

Resolving Complications
Complications from the initial surgery, such as seroma or hematoma formation, can affect the overall outcome of a tummy tuck. These complications can lead to asymmetry or an unnatural appearance of the abdomen. A revision tummy tuck can correct these issues and improve the overall look and feel of the abdomen.

Our Tummy Tuck Expert

The expertise of Dr. Atul Kesarwani makes him a world renowned surgeon. His techniques will:

  • Leave you with no visible scarring around your belly button.
  • Maintain your belly button so it will look totally natural.
  • Prevent puckering of the skin along incision lines. If puckering does occur, it goes away faster.
  • Give you a cinched-in waist for an hourglass figure.
  • Make sure you're warm throughout your surgical experience to improve comfort.
  • Dramatically reduce risks and speed up healing by using drains.
dr atul kesarwani

The First Step

A personal consultation with Dr. Atul Kesarwani is the first step toward realizing your goals. This private medical appointment is with Dr. Kesarwani. He will take the time necessary to answer your questions and explain how this procedure can resolve issues that you'd like to correct.

Dr. Kesarwani has become a go-to provider for patients who have had tummy tucks with other surgeons and are looking to improve their outcomes further.

The Outcome You want

The choice of surgeon plays a pivotal role in the success of a revision tummy tuck. An experienced and skilled surgeon can accurately diagnose the reasons for dissatisfaction, propose an appropriate surgical plan, and execute the procedure to minimize potential complications. A study in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal revealed that surgeons with over 20 years of experience have a substantially lower revision rate. This finding underscores the importance of choosing an experienced professional for this delicate procedure.

Preparing for your Revision Tummy Tuck

Step 1: Consultation
The first crucial step in preparing for a revision tummy tuck is the consultation with your surgeon. This is your opportunity to express your concerns, expectations, and goals. It's important to be completely honest about what you felt went wrong with your first surgery and what you hope to achieve with the revision. This discussion will help Dr. Kesarwani understand your needs better and design a personalized surgical plan.

Step 2: Pre-Surgery Preparations
Before the surgery, you will undergo a physical examination, lab tests, and possibly some imaging studies. These are standard preoperative procedures meant to assess your health status and readiness for surgery. During this period, it's crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This can include restrictions on smoking, as it can interfere with healing, and refraining from taking certain medications that might increase bleeding. Expect your surgeon to give you specific instructions based on your health history. Additionally, maintaining a stable weight is important because weight fluctuations can affect surgery outcomes.

Emotional Preparation
A revision tummy tuck often comes with a longer and potentially more challenging recovery process than the initial surgery. It's normal to feel anxious or stressed out during this time. Having emotional support from friends and family can be beneficial. They can help you handle post-surgery discomfort and assist with daily tasks during your recovery.


Recovering from Your Tummy Tuck

Recovery from a revision tummy tuck tends to mirror that of the original procedure. However, due to the corrective nature of the surgery, some patients may experience a slightly longer recovery period. Patients typically need to take 2-3 weeks off work and should expect the most discomfort during the first week post-operation. Pain management during this period is crucial, with most patients finding the recovery process manageable with prescribed pain medication and adequate rest.

Postoperative care forms a critical part of the recovery process. This care includes wearing a compression garment to reduce swelling, taking medications to manage pain and reduce the risk of infection, following a healthy diet to promote healing, and incorporating gentle movement to prevent blood clots. These instructions are similar to those that are given to patients undergoing their first tummy tuck.

Proper care can significantly impact recovery speed and the final aesthetic result.

Despite the challenges inherent in recovering from a revision tummy tuck, many patients report high satisfaction rates post-recovery. The overwhelming majority of patients believe the recovery is worth it, given the satisfaction they derive from the results. This high satisfaction rate underscores the value of a revision tummy tuck in rectifying issues from an initial tummy tuck and achieving the desired body contour.

Frequently Asked Questions About Revision Tummy Tuck Toronto Abdominoplasty

What’s a revision tummy tuck cost? What does tummy tuck cost in Canada? What is the average cost of a tummy tuck in Canada?

The cost of a revision tummy tuck depends on the extent of correction involved. It normally ranges in the thousands of dollars, from $8500 to over $10,000. More information can be provided during your consultation.

Can revision tummy tuck procedures be covered by insurance?

Typically, revision tummy tucks cannot be covered under insurance.

How long do I have to wait before a revision tummy tuck?

Generally, patients should wait at least a year or so before considering a revision tummy tuck. However, if issues arise that can be corrected before this time, it may be done sooner. Please discuss further details with Dr. Kesarwani.

Are tummy tuck revisions common? What is tummy tuck scar revision?

Usually, revisions aren’t common when the intial surgery is performed by Dr. Atul Kesarwani. However, Dr. Kesarwani has seen many patients who come to him for revision after seeing other surgeons.

Can revision tummy tuck be undone?

If weight gain or pregnancy occurs after the tummy tuck, there is a good chance results can be undone.

How long does a Toronto tummy tuck last?

The results of a Toronto tummy tuck last for as long as you maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Most patients find it easier to follow a healthy lifestyle and go to the gym after the cosmetic surgery procedure. Aging, pregnancy and weight gain may negatively impact your results.

Why choose Dr. Atul KESARWANI

Dr. Atul Kesarwani is a board certified plastic surgeon at Cosmedical Rejuvenation Clinic. He has 30+ years of experience in the field.

You'll speak with Dr. A. Kesarwani directly during your initial consultation. He has a gentle approach and unwavering commitment to achieving the beautiful, natural looking results you want. He takes the time to discuss your goals and assess your situation before providing you with a custom tailored solution. No detail is overlooked. You will appreciate her fastidious and exacting nature — traits that are essential when performing any procedure, particularly those targeting the face!

Dr. A. Kesarwani is dedicated to delivering beautiful results while maintaining excellent patient safety and achieving superior patient satisfaction.