Kids and Plastic Surgery: How to Tell Your Kids You'll Look Different
Getting plastic surgery is a momentous decision that nobody takes lightly. After all, this is an event that will change the way you look, likely forever.
Further compounding the decision-making process, it can sometimes be a challenge to broach the subject with your friends and loved ones. How will they react the first time you tell them that you have decided to get plastic surgery? You want to assure them that you are ready and are doing it for the right reasons.
Many patients feel that the most difficult conversation to begin is with their children. Your children look up to you, and can be very impressionable. And yet, depending on their age, they might not understand all of the reasons that allowed you to make your decision.
When is the right time?
The good news is that children are naturally adaptable. True, they may seem stubborn when they're refusing to eat their vegetables. But a child's world and perceptions are constantly changing already. And unlike adults, they have not yet developed strong assumptions and prejudices.
For these reasons, it may be good to talk about your surgery with your children sooner rather later. There's no age that is inherently good or bad to tell them. The good time is the present. Deferring this conversation takes away the amount of time your children will be able to soak in the fact that you'll look different before your surgery. The sooner you tell them, the sooner they'll be able to start understand what is about to happen.
Honesty is the Best Policy
Do not make up a reason for the surgery like saying that you are sick, injured, or hurting. While keeping the discussion age appropriate, you want to take some of the mystery out of it, so it is not left to imagination and whatever they see on TV about plastic surgery.
Giving a fake reason now will have the same effect as delaying the conversation – it will make things more difficult later on when they learn the truth with the added stress of asking why you didn't tell them the real reasons in the first place.
Talking about positive body image
You may be concerned about your child's (especially daughters) own self esteem and self image after you decide to get plastic surgery. While you have the time and wisdom to know you're doing it for the right reasons, they are still young and might make the wrong assumptions – especially if they are going through an awkward phase of development.
Again, being open here is key. You will want to reassure your child that everybody has different bodies, has different desires, and that plastic surgery is anormal and natural decision. Reassure them that you have had time to get to know your body, and that your decision to get plastic surgery does not mean that they have anything wrong with them. Remind them that they are still growing and developing perfectly and that they are lovely the way they are.
One of the main things to ensure is to have your children know that although you will look different, you will still be the same person. Mommy or daddy might be coming home with an elevated appearance, but their love and place within the family hasn't changed.
Still, Plastic surgery is a very personal decision and only you can decide when and how much to tell your children.
Stay honest about your intentions and how you will look and your transition post-surgery will be easy and hassle free!