Our New New Website!
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website! We've added so much more information about each procedure we perform as well as photos and diagrams to illustrate important points. Our new website has a great before and after photo gallery to see real before and after photos of our past (and current!) patients. You can see photos of patients who've had facial and body cosmetic surgical procedures. But remember: the photos on our new site are just a small sample of what we have. You'll be able to see many more during your in-person consultation with Dr. Atul Kesarwani or Dr. Priya Kesarwani. Just ask to see more and we'll show you! We have a ton more because Dr. A Kesarwani has been a board certified plastic surgeon for over 35 years, and over this time he's helped thousands of patients achieve their aesthetic goals.
Take a look around and feel free to send through any questions or schedule a consultation by clicking here. We can provide you with more information about the treatments that most suitable for you. Our friendly patient care coordinators are here for you! You can also drop by our offices at Yonge and York Mills, just above the York Mills subway station.